Patient Care Studies

Home Patient Case Studies

Dr. Herman treats a wide spectrum of patient health and wellness conditions ranging from sports injuries to fibromyalgia, food sensitivities, and scoliosis. His treatment protocols combine scientifically proven medical procedures and medications with newer alternative therapies.

Several of his patients have generously offered to share their own medical challenges and describe how  Dr. Herman was able to help them back on the path to less pain and improved overall health.

Keep in mind, every patient is unique and so is their treatment plan.

Andrea W.

Crohn's Disease

Carol Beaumont

Low Back Pain, Post-surgical Pain, Shoulder Pain

Kimberly Kulis

Sacroiliitis And Knee Pain

Steve Gaissert

Chiari Malformation

IRA Roth

Spinal Stenosis

Robin S.

Chronic Neck And Back Pain