Princeton Institute for Wellness

Age: 72


Medical Condition: Spinal Stenosis (a narrowing of the open spaces within the spine, which can put pressure on the spinal cord and nerves that travel through the spine. Spinal stenosis occurs most often in the neck and lower back).


This chronic pain condition can result in numbness, muscle weakness, and problems with bladder or bowel function. Spinal stenosis is most commonly caused by wear-and-tear changes in the spine related to aging.


Active senior gets second chance to enjoy sports again after physiatric therapy


“After I had my second hip replaced, I continued to have pain in my hip and lower back. After an MRI, my doctor told me I had spinal stenosis and might be looking at back surgery,” says Ira, a retiree living in Monroe Township. Ira said he had undergone enough surgery and decided to find a doctor who could lessen his pain without another operation.


“After my first visit two years ago with Dr. Herman, he created a treatment plan for me that included exercises to strengthen the area around my spine, including my stomach.” Ira said he also underwent two injections to lessen the inflammation and began using a topical cream to minimize any residual pain after exercising.


Ira is very fitness-focused and routinely rides his bicycle 20 miles or more, plays golf, works out at the local gym and swims regularly. “During one office visit, Dr. Herman noticed that one of my shoulders was drooping slightly; he recommended that I wear an insert in my shoe which has also helped lessen my pain,” Ira explains.


Today, Ira stops in to see Dr. Herman a few times a year ─ when he can squeeze in an office visit between daily workouts. “Dr. Herman gave me a second chance to enjoy my retirement and continue exercising which is keeping me healthy and strong in my 70’s. That to me is everything.”


(April 2014)

